Anti-Hazing Policy
dragons don’t haze
As an educational institution, Tiffin University has a special set of interests and purposes essential to its effective functioning. These include:
- the opportunity for students to attain their educational objectives;
- the creation and maintenance of an intellectual and educational atmosphere throughout the University;
- the protection of the health, safety, welfare, property, and human rights of all members of the University and the safety and property of the University itself
The University has a clear responsibility in the area of student conduct to protect and promote the pursuit of its goals. Furthermore, Tiffin University maintains autonomy over campus organizations. Initiation into campus organizations, athletic teams, and other activities undertaken by such organizations or individuals must be consistent with the stated purposes of the organizations and the educational mission of Tiffin University. Any activities that may be construed as hazing are specifically and unequivocally prohibited.
There is no place for hazing in our community, which includes abusive behavior, harassment, or assault. Group loyalty and unity are built on trust and mutual respect. Hazing is an abuse of power and relationships and puts individuals at risk; therefore, Tiffin University will not tolerate hazing in any form by any members of the University community. This policy applies to any campus, academic, athletic, music, extracurricular, and student groups or organizations.
Tiffin University’s Anti-Hazing Policy
Hazing in any form is prohibited. The University will investigate and respond to all reports of hazing as defined in this policy. Retaliating in any manner against an individual who reports hazing or who participates in an investigation of a hazing report is strictly prohibited and will be investigated through the established Tiffin University Code of Student Conduct. All members of the University community shall cooperate in an investigation of hazing.
Our Policy
Tiffin University prohibits students and recognized organizations, fraternities and sororities, varsity and club sports, music and art organizations and all other student groups (including secret societies) from engaging in hazing as defined by Ohio Revised Code section 2903.31. This policy is in compliance with Collin’s Law: The Ohio Anti-Hazing Act. This policy notifies students, coaches, faculty, staff, and others of the campus community about their responsibilities regarding hazing, the university’s responds to policy violations, and resources to assist in addressing hazing or suspected hazing.
This regulation applies to behavior that occurs on or off University premises. This regulation applies to off-campus facilities of Registered Student Organizations, at University-sponsored or approved activities, and at non-University activities. This regulation applies to all University locations, including where the University is extended to distance education, such as study abroad, service trips, experiential learning opportunities, and athletic, club sport, and other group travel. This regulation may also be applied to behavior conducted online, via e-mail or through electronic media, in cases where the behavior is not protected by freedom of expression. The University does not regularly search for online information but may take action if such information is brought to the attention of University officials.
The following factors do not prevent conduct from being considered a violation of this policy:
- Expressed or implied consent; or
- The conduct not being part of an official event or otherwise sanctioned or approved by a student organization or student group/team.
This Policy prohibits Hazing by Individuals and Hazing by Student Organizations. Ohio law defines hazing as “doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization or any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliation with any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse, as defined in section 3719.011 of the Revised Code.”
Examples of Hazing
Examples of hazing include, but are not limited to the following:
- Requiring excessive calisthenics such as sit-ups, push-ups, runs, or any form of physically abusive exercise, in which all members are not participating
- Requiring the consumption of any food, alcohol, drug, or other substance
- Scavenger hunts, treasure hunts, road trips, or any other such activities when not done for information gathering purposes consistent with the educational purposes of the organization. Kidnaps and ditches are specifically prohibited
- Morally degrading or humiliating games and activities such as requiring members to wade in the river, to count bricks, to act like animals or other beings, to scrub floors with toothbrushes, or to be nude at any time
- Assigning or endorsing pranks such as borrowing (stealing) items, panty raids, painting property and objects, composite raids, or harassing other groups
- Deprivation of sleep
- Any activity that intimidates or threatens the student with ostracism, that subjects a student to extreme mental stress, embarrassment, shame, or humiliation or that adversely affects the mental health or dignity of the student or discourages the student from remaining in school. This may include verbal abuse, such as yelling, swearing, and insulting the student.
- Blindfolding members at any time involuntarily
- Verbal harassment including yelling or screaming at members. Individual interrogations not consistent with legitimate testing for information about the history, purpose, or direction of the organization (such as lineups or kangaroo courts)
- Requiring any type of personal servitude such as running errands
- Requiring members to be branded
- Deception and/or threats contrived to convince the new member s/he will not be able to join the organization or group
- Interfering with proper study
- Requiring the completion of improper obligations in gaining access to facilities activities, travel, etc.
- Work parties without the participation of the full organizational membership. Any action that could be perceived as inflicting physical abuse/harm to an individual (i.e., paddling, application of foreign substances, etc.)
- Any activity that causes or requires the student to perform a task that involves violation of state or federal law or of a school district/charter school policy or a school regulation. This includes abuse or mistreatment of animals, public nudity, and theft.
Hazing is a serious offense of the Tiffin University Code of Student Conduct and, therefore, is subject to the full range of sanctions (reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension, and expulsion). In addition, other educational activities may be required as conditions of the sanction. An individual, organization, or group may be subject to other outcomes in accordance with the applicable outside constituents or group in which the student is involved, or their governing bodies. The university has the right to act regardless of the actions of the governing body.
Sanctions for violations of this regulation shall be administered by the Dean of Student Affairs. Student groups subject to University jurisdiction and individual students found responsible for violations of this regulation shall be sanctioned in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct. For student groups, sanctions include, but are not limited to, revocation of registration or denial of application for registration, loss of University privileges such as the ability to formally meet on campus and to use campus facilities, or to represent the University and, in the case of fraternities and sororities, the right to be recognized or operate at the University.
Sanctions imposed by the University for violations of this regulation may be in addition to any penalty imposed for violation of the criminal laws of the State of Ohio and for violation of any other University regulations or policies. For groups that are formally associated with the University (varsity athletic teams, University bands, or any other groups supported by the University that are not required to register as a student organizations), sanctioning for violations of this policy shall be determined by the appropriate administrative unit that sponsors/supports the group in consultation with the Dean of Students.
Employees will be subject to discipline in accordance with the appropriate and applicable University policies and procedures. The Office of Human Resources will be consulted to determine the appropriate process and discipline.
In addition, other educational activities may be required as conditions of the sanction. An individual, organization, or group may be subject to other outcomes in accordance with the applicable outside constituents or groups in which the student is involved, or their governing bodies.
Tiffin University will address reports of hazing, as defined in this Policy, pursuant to the Student Handbook. Criminal investigations resulting from a report to law enforcement will be handled by the appropriate law enforcement agency.
Individuals and/or Student Organizations should report instances of hazing using the reporting form posted or by contacting the Office of Student Engagement or the Dean of Students. Reports will be routed to the appropriate University official(s) for review.
Reporting Information
Making an intentionally false accusation of hazing is prohibited and subject to corrective or restorative action as enumerated in the Code of Student Conduct or other University policies.
If a member of the University community is aware of immediate physical danger to a student or others, they must contact Tiffin police at 419-447-2323 or dial 911.
Any questions concerning the interpretation or application of this policy should be referred to the Dean of Students.
A mandatory reporter who fails to make a timely report may be subject to appropriate discipline. Each of the following is considered a “mandatory reporter”:
- Any full or part-time employee of the University (including student employees and graduate assistants), or
- Any volunteer acting in an official capacity who advises or coaches student organizations and/or student groups and who have direct contact with students.
- Employees who are required by law to protect confidentiality are exempt from this requirement.
Note: Reports made pursuant to this Policy do not supersede or replace other reporting obligations.
Additional Reporting Requirements for Employees and Volunteers
Immediately upon learning of potential hazing, all administrators, employees, faculty members, teachers, consultants, alumni and volunteers of any student organization, who are acting in an official and professional capacity who receive a complaint of hazing or who observes or learns of conduct that is reasonably believed to be in violation of this Policy is required to report the alleged conduct to the Dean of Students.
No administrator, employee, faculty member, teacher, consultant, alumnus, or volunteer of any organization, who is acting in an official and professional capacity shall recklessly fail to immediately report the knowledge of hazing to a law enforcement agency in the county in which the victim of hazing resides or the in which the hazing is occurring or has occurred. Please work with the Dean of Students to ensure that this report is submitted in the correct county and with the proper law enforcement agency. Failure to report any observed hazing incident, or improper activity believed to be in violation of the Policy is prohibited conduct under this Policy and may result in criminal charges. Employees who are required by law to protect confidentiality are exempt from this requirement. Reports made pursuant to this Policy do not supersede or replace other reporting obligations.
Tiffin University will maintain a report of all violations of this Policy that are reported to the University and which result in a charge of violation of this Policy. The University will update the report bi-annually on January 1 and August 1 of each year and will post the updated report on the University’s website.
All enrolled or incoming students seeking membership in a registered student organization or student group at Tiffin University must complete the yearly anti-hazing training provided by the Office of Student Engagement. Failure to complete the training will result in the student being denied the ability to join any recognized student organization or group.
Past Organization Hazing Violations and Reports
Tiffin University will publish periodic public reports of all violations of its anti-hazing policy in compliance with the state of Ohio’s Collin’s Law. These reports will be publicly available on the University website. These reports will be posted beginning with the 2022-2023 school year, and updated in January and August of each year.
Life at TU
Contact Us
We’re Here for You!
Wayne Kreis, Director of Student Engagement
419.448.3353 |
Dakel Patterson, Dean of Student Transformation & Development
567.268.6063 |
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